Indian Growth Story
Around a decade back, the Indian growth story was only a subject of academic interest. It was a lot talked about, but time and again it was brushed off because of various reasons. All MNC's agreed India is an important destination but did not commit much investment (indirectly saying, its time hasnt yet come). At the same time comparisions were made with the Dragon
(China). Everybody gave thier pros and cons usually in favor of the dragon.
Half a decade down the line things are in much better shape. Indian's positioningg as a driver for growth for most of the MNC's has already been established( with the likes of IBM, Motorala, Intel and host of others showing full commitment to investments in thier Indian Operations). Even though dozen other are still exploring thier options for the same and China's story has lost some fuel over growing concerns over is communist approach (banning google, releasing right figures etc).
India has been recording consistent growth of 7-8 % and in last quater it even touched 9 %. Infrastructure (roadways, telecom etc) is improving, per capita is increasing and sensex touching new highs.
Will India be a dream Growth story like US, Japan or other european countries...???
Lets look at the fallouts. Though the Indian industry has done expectionally well after liberalisation, the problem area which remains is our polity. The political system which was already in bad shape, has been detriorating in the recent past.
We have added jewels like Arjun singh, Narender Modi & Bal Thackrey,to the already existing crown of Indian Politics. The focus has been on how to use caste, religion and region to divide people and increase thier own vote bank. No student wondered about his fellows caste, no gujrati was more centric on money than religion and no Bombaite aware of his region before these great men spell thier charm. As though this was not enough, there are also talks of reservation in private comapnies...???
As a society we have only moved back and more so in last couple of decades.
Just look at the headlines u c in paper and tv channels. If u c in last one month Fanaa and Reservation controversy had maixmum space/time share. Probably BJP Gujrat wing devoted all its time n energy for last few months only in taking out juice of the "fanaa"controversy. And congress put in all its power to push thru the 'Quota' bill. Is the nation be discussing these as main issues??? Though in between things like rahul mahajan and mika's kiss kept viewer's entertained. And at some times it was sensex's fall or rise Or India losing one day series.
When instead we should have been talking of challenges India faces to become a better destination than China. Or why cant India host 2014 footbal worldcup? Or 2016 Olympics?Everybody who reads this will laugh as he/she knows it cant happen and this is the tragedy. We never ask ourselves y not??? And accept its not possible.
India is lucky that it has current a very Good President and Prime Minister. President Mr Kalam is a great visionary. He has written lot of books one of which is "India Vision 2020". He has analysed India current situation and given recommendations onhow to make India a Developed state by 2020.
Mr Manmohan singh is another visionary who started the reform process in India in the 90's and knows exactly wat is needed to catapult India into the developed nation countries. But it is only a tragey that inspite of such visionaries being pressent in top positions the political system misusing the power of democracy has not let them do much.
But again there r people like Kurien,Sreedharan and Narayan Murthy who have set excellent precent of how one person can bring about positive change in society. Not everyone can become like them, but we can defintely see wat ideology we are supporting...and wat role models v r choosing (Narayan Murthy or Narender Modi).
I think its time people like Murthy enter active politics and clean up the mess. This will also be a big confidence booster to people like Manmohan singh & chitambaram. We defenitely need corporatization of Indian Politics or it will soon be politicization of Indain society.