Judicial Irony....
Last few months have brought Indian Judicial Irony into picture.
A man kills a women in front of 300 people and still moves scot free, as his crime could not the proved because of lack of evidences. A popular actor get jail term and spends three days in jail before getting bail for poaching engangered animals.
There has been lot fo hue n cry in the media and among the common people for both the cases. Though it looked the proper corrections would be made in the first case, after initial enthu the officials are again trying to put the matter back in black hole, as it will be like digging thier own house to find the thief. It will obviously raise lot of questions, on lot of police officials-ex n serving- and not to mentioned the mighty politicians. It can open up a pandora;s box which will have strings attached all over. And most important it will have the capability to shake governments.
Though the 1st case is more critical and serious the second case has been a bigger surprise for me. If somebody can scott free in an serious offence like the 1st one, y cant a person do the same in a minor case like the second one? I think it might be difficult to find an answer to this question but lets try.
People say it is because the witness in the 2nd case did not turn hostile unlike the 1st case, ans reason for this is cause the Bishnoi community luves n protects its animal. So that means we are trying to say that peoples luv for each other has been overshadowed by peoples luv for animals? This looks very unlikey. Lets dig deeper.
The main reason for witness turning hostile is pschological (threats) and physical (assualt) pressure put on them. In some cases it the greed for money as well, but usually it is on supplementary. It is very clear that in 1st case these means were very well used and the witnesses scummed to it (except a few). But y did it not happen in 2nd case? There can be 2 possible reasons. One that the same was not applied to the witnesses, which is very unlikely. And 2nd that there is some other party backing the witnesses for political mileage. Though nothing can be said for sure at this moment, but this truth will come out sooner or later. And it may come out sooner if if we go by his comments given to a pvt news channel after his release from jail.
A few more interesting cases are
- Son of an IPS officer is sentenced 7 ys imprisonment for raping a german student. A case were it looked more like a consented sexual relationship, with no proof of any force or attempt to avoid the same. Interestingly the sentence was given in 7 , where usually it takes 7-17 yrs for the same, just cause the victim was a foriegn national. Clearly foriegners r more valued than thier own citizen...!
-The key witness of most famous homocide case of gujrat was sent to jail on charges of perjury and aptly so. But it was even better to know that the culprits were given punishment even after all the drama.
Off late thier have been chrages of corruption in judicial system as well, and there is no denying to the fact. But where do common man go when the ploticians, bureaucrats, administration and even the judiciary is corrupt?